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2007-06-24 20:07:48
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The Anti-Prom

Yup, they're finally here! The pictures from the almighty Anti-Prom (like a prom, but 150 times better and with alcohol) I am [Beki in Wonderland] and the only other person who's on here who was at the party is Alex or [Lexxi Scuzz]. So here we go, this is why deep down in your heart you really want to be British (if you're not already British XD) just so you can come to parties like this! Bet your prom wasn't half as good as ours!! XD
20 minutes into the night and [Lexxi Scuzz] is already on her arse.
Joshwa looking gormless. His hair is shinyful X3
Walker with his face stuffed full of jelly XD
Alex and me posing as her extra head XD
Alex looks drunk. I look weird. We have cider. XD
Yeah. Josh is wearing a dress. No, i don't know why.
Josh in his dress again XD
Me with cider. Oh, and Josh in the dress.
Cross with beer, and the saucy charades infront of his face XD
Cross with top hat.
Me and Alex, myspace photo!
Alex's butt XD Don't ask me why i took this.. i don't know XD
Me and Chris, and i'm actually beginning to look drunk..
Chris and Alex. Not entirely sure what she's doing XD
Mike and his extra head AKA Steevo.
Josh got boobs. Then tried to lick them XD
Josh is getting a bit too fond of his new breasts...
Alex and Me. I look retarded...
Cross. Aww, look at him in his tie XD
Alex yelling at someone.. I can't remember who XD
Me and Alex's feet!
We went to the park... And i hung upsidown.. Lol, look at our alcohol in the background..
I thought the tree's looked like two polar bears kissing o_O *coughacidcough* XD
My leg O_O I love those trousers XD
Alex on the swing, wasted and with alcohol.. She'd drank a fair bit of rum by this point too..
Me on the swing with alcohol. I like this picture XD
This just looks cool. Josh and Alex.
Josh headbanging XD XD
Ze band. Well, mainly the wall... And bits of the band XD
Alex 'helping' Walker play the drums..
Alex and me and the side of Josh's head. We were wasted by this point. Yes i have a tea cosy on my head.
Cross. Yes he has writing all over his face. Look at this one in full size, Steevo looks deformed in the background XD XD
Alex and Me. And alcohol and my tea cosy XD
Cross windmilling XD This amuses me :p
Walker drumming and looking completely smashed. Which he was.
Alex when me and her went for a walk at 1am..
Me and Alex on our walk. Yeah, i STILL have the tea cosy on my head.
Steevo stuck in the baby swing XD
This is from the next morning.. We discovered my camera has a sepia setting.. Me and Alex.
Sepia again XD Joshwa in the smoothie shop XD
Alex trying to look innocent. Sepia!alex XD
Walker and Josh looking severely hungover at the bus station.

Yeah, don't you wish you'd been there!?! It was awesome... It's like 'spot the alcohol' in most of these pics XD Anyway, yeah that's it. Roll on the next party!!!

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2007-08-11 [Beki in Wonderland]: I'm expecting the worst (Y) i'm not actually all that worried though, while everyone else seems to be wetting themselves o_O i guess i know i've failed and it doesn't bother me any more XD

2007-08-12 [Lexxi Scuzz]: I'm not wetting myself.. i'm not all that bothered.. it's not like it's cost me any sleep and i can think about it without breaking out into hysteria! XD *ish proud* but yeah i'm choosing the "it doesn't exist" option that way it doesn't matter at all!

2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: I cant wait! I know ill be proud of everything ill get, even though ill fail music terribly. XD Just gotta accept what you have got, really. =]

2007-08-12 [Lexxi Scuzz]: yup thats true! XD lol your making me excited about it now.. XD for no reason.. at all.. >3<

2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: BWAHAHAH!!! Can someone help me to understand what >3< means?

2007-08-12 [Beki in Wonderland]: It's a scrunched up pouting face XD >3<
I'm quite looking forward to getting my results... Mum is going to go ape no matter what i get, but i've decided that i don't care. She can yell at me all she wants, as long as i scrape a pass in everything, it's good enough for me XD

2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: That sounds good enough to me, Beki. =] Passes in everything.

And i cant see a pouting face... =[

2007-08-12 [Beki in Wonderland]: Aye ^____^
Yar, i picked it up on DA somewhere.. you have to have a fangirl mind to get some of the faces that pop up there.. like this one OAO is apparently a shocked and upset face o_O can't see it myself but there we go XD

2007-08-12 [shinobi14]: Roooiite... O__o

Ill just nod and agree!! ^-^

2007-08-13 [Lexxi Scuzz]: i see a shocked birdy.. o_O but thats just me!! I see the pouty thing.. admittedly i realised after grumpily pouting at it for a while when i first saw it! XD i've started putting hashes after my faces for no reason at all.. -_-# but it looks cool! =3

2007-08-13 [Beki in Wonderland]: It does XD i picked up all the faces i do off DA really... They make sense to me XD My favourite is OwO cuz it's evil in my eyes XD XD

2007-08-13 [shinobi14]: I like this one... -_-* <--- It looks like he is angry!!

2007-08-14 [Lexxi Scuzz]: lol OwO looks like another birdy to me.. o_O lol yeah thats pretty awesome dan! X3 i got all mine off.. ET and EP and MSN really! and why is everyone doing: (Y) now? to me it will always be the symbol of breasts.. i don't get it..

2007-08-14 [Beki in Wonderland]: Yeah, it's always been the symbol of boobs to me... it's the msn thumbs up thing aint it? Apparently it's the new :)
...I will always love my demented OwO face X3

2007-08-14 [Lexxi Scuzz]: is it? it looks feck all like thumbs up and alot like tits to me.. o_O

2007-08-14 [shinobi14]: I Know! So im glad that im not the only one that doesn't understand that one! *dances*

To me, it looks like bunny ears... or a bottom wearing a G-string... O__o

2007-08-15 [Beki in Wonderland]: Haha, you two are silly XD If you type (Y) in on msn, a little thumbs up sign appears XD XD it does look like a bum wearing a G-string though o___O Oh well XD

2007-08-15 [shinobi14]: OH.... *nods* Okay. ^-^

2007-08-15 [Beki in Wonderland]: I saw the little spark of realisation there XD

2007-08-15 [Lexxi Scuzz]: it doesn't work on mine.. i always get (Y) no thumbs up at all... so i have the right to be confused.. yeah i agree with you Dan.. G string .. *nods*

2007-08-16 [shinobi14]: *boogies* ^_______^

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